Saturday, January 7, 2012

Assignment: Project # 1 CHARACTER DESIGN

Two-person teams will create and draw two characters -- one a Hero, the other a Villain.
Both characters should “live” in the same story/world and genre; and each should have
their own unique characteristics.  Each person in the team will be responsible for ONE of
the characters.  Each character must demonstrate personality, emotion and motivation
through the use of color, shape and light.  Teams must present their work in the form of
a 5-minute Powerpoint explaining their creative process.
Students will have separate grades.
First:  Create/draw two characters: one Hero and one Villain.  The Character Drawings must
contain the following:
A) Utilize TWO elements of color:  Hue, Brightness or Saturation to create emotion
B) Utilize light/shadow to create either Symbolism or Mood related to the character;
C) Include visual details that place the character into a specific genre
D) Include visual details that illuminate the character’s Motivation
E) Contrast of Color, Shape and Lighting to differentiate the Hero from the Villain
Finally: Prepare a 5-minute Powerpoint presentation that a) introduces your character drawings
to the audience, and b) explains how you used color, shape and light to differentiate the
characters from each other.

Character Designs of Assignment#1

Shadow Poison by Jiexiong Zhang

Mr. Vivid by Justin Kohlas

Detective Jeff Talion by Joshua Deisler

Dr. Mortius by Matthew Monachino

Timothy & Rax by Brennan Jackson & Harold Bon

INDIVIDUAL Criteria                                                                                       
Character drawing utilized two elements of color to create emotion  10
Character drawing utilized light/shadow to create Symbolism or Mood   10
Character Animation included visual detail that illuminated character Motivation    10
Characters drawings were differentiated due to Color, Shape and Tone   5
Character drawing contained details that denoted Genre and Character Motivation   5
Actively (not didactically) demonstrated Motivation for both characters  5
Powerpoint was easy to understand.  The students obviously practiced their 
presentation and understood the concepts they were discussing.  5

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