Thursday, January 19, 2012

BLOG ASSIGNMENT #3 Brainwashed


Create a link on your blog to so that your audience can read Seth
Godin’s “Brainwashed”.

Within the article, Godin talks about seven layers of reinventing yourself.  Briefly (150
words or less, total) summarize three of the layers: 

#1: Acknowledging the Lizard;
#2: Any two of the other seven layers that “speaks to you” (except Acknowledging the Lizard)
• Connect
• Be Generous
• Make Art
• Acknowledge the Lizard
• Ship
• Fail
• Learn

In a 400-500 word essay:
• Discuss how the Layers you summarized may, in some way, be connected to this
Blog that you are creating this quarter.  Speculate on whether or not these various
exercise make you a “better… artist, person, student, etc”


• Explain why these exercises are worthless and a waste of time (of course, giving
suggestions on what might be a better use of time in class about the Creative

Grading Criteria
-- A summary of two “Layers” from S. Godin’s article [5 points each x 3]
-- Presentation and explanation of a meaningful “Howl” [10 points]
-- Did not meet length requirements (too long or too short) [-10 pts]

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