Thursday, January 12, 2012

Assignment: Project #2 GAME DESIGN

Due: In lab Week 3. Late assignments will not be accepted.

This is group assignment. You will be part of a four-person team. Each team will design
a video game idea that involves multiple decision points, an interface design, and a
scoring system. The game must have specific goals and rules; it must incorporate
characters designed in Project One, and must employs visual cues (e.g. line, shape,
etc.) to guide the audience toward a specific goal. The idea will be presented in the form
of a 15-minute Powerpoint.
First: Decide whether you are designing a Game of: Skill, Chance or Strategy

Second: As a team, determine the Game’s:
A) Goals B) Mechanics C) Objectives D) Rules

Third: Design a 15-minute Powerpoint presentation that uses a Flow Chart in some way to:
A) Explain the Goals/Mechanics/Objectives/Rules
Then: choose THREE of the following FOUR elements:
B) Demonstrate some In-game Visuals and how they influence the Game’s Objectives
C) Provide examples of how characters inspire Gaming Goals
D) Explains the Interface & Console Design and how they relate to the Game Mechanics
E) Discuss whether or not Guided Perception is used in your game (and why/why not)

Finally: Present your idea as if you were selling it to investors, rather than for a class grade
and Explain why the game would actually be fun to play

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