Thursday, February 23, 2012

BLOG ASSIGNMENT #7 Animation Deconstruction

On your blog, post two still images from two animated pieces. You may choose either:
• Two images from the same show or movie
• Two images from two completely different animation genres

Based on information from lectures and the readings, write an essay (350-400 words)
comparing and contrasting two of the three topics listed below as they apply to the
images you chose.  Utilize the vocabulary words from lecture:
1. Color
-- Hue
-- Brightness
-- Saturation
2. Lighting
-- Shadows
-- Symbolism
-- Mood
3. Movements
-- Parallel movements
-- Overlapping movements
-- “Weight”

Grading Criteria
-- Presented two animation images, meeting the criteria [5 points]
-- Essay intelligently critiqued two of the three elements listed, using vocabulary [10 points each x2]
-- Written elements did not meet length requirements  [-15 points]

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