Friday, February 17, 2012

BLOG ASSIGNMENT #6 Storyboard Imitation

Using the same scene from Blog #4, use the attached storyboard sheets to storyboard the
first five shots of the scene.  Be as accurate as possible in your drawings (even if you are
a terrible artist… you should be able to put the shapes in the right places, and make them
the right size).  See examples at the bottom of the page.

Draw an overhead view of the scene and draw in where you think the camera was placed
in relationship to the actors.

Based on steps One and Two, write an essay (300-375 words) explaining whether or not
the director followed each of these rules when directing the scene.
1.  180 degree rule
2.  Rule of Thirds
3.  30 Rule (either 30% or 30 degrees)
Conclude the essay by discussing why the director broke the rules, if s/he did.  If s/he
didn’t, then conclude with an evaluation of the directing talents within the scene.

Grading Criteria
-- Storyboarded the first five shots in the scene [2 points each x5]
-- Accurately drew an overhead schematic of the camera placements in the scene [5 points]
-- Essay identified whether the director followed all three rules listed [10 points]
-- Written elements did not meet length requirements  [-15 points]
-- Did not use same scene from Blog #3 [-10 points]

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