Thursday, February 9, 2012

BLOG ASSIGNMENT #5 Song Deconstruction

Create a link on your blog to two songs that can be found online -- YouTube (or a similar
site).  You may choose either:
• Two songs from the same artist
• One original song and one cover of that song
• Two songs from two completely different musical genres

Listen to each song a few times and fill out a Listening Framework sheet  for
each song.  Post these sheets to your blog.

Based on your Listening Framework, write an essay (350-400 words) comparing and
contrasting the songs.  Utilize the vocabulary words from lecture and from the Listening
Framework sheets:
1.  Lyrics
2.  Melody
3.  Musical Quality (Rhythm, Intensity, Pitch, Timbre, Speed, Organization)
Conclude the essay by discussing which version of the song you like better, and an
explanation of why.

Grading Criteria
-- Linked to two songs meeting the criteria [5 points]
-- Completed a Listening Framework sheet for each song [5 points each x2]
-- Compared and contrasted the songs using vocabulary from lecture and LF sheets [10 points]
-- Written elements did not meet length requirements  [-15 points]

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